The Addendum to the Fourteenth Word

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

اِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ اْلاَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَا وَاَخْرَجَتِ اْلاَرْضُ اَثْقَالَهَا وَ قَالَ اْلاِنْسَانُ مَالَهَا يَوْمَئِذٍ تُحَدِّثُ اَخْبَارَهَا بِاَنَّ رَبَّكَ 1 اَوْحَى لَهَا الخ

This Surah states definitely that in its movements and earthquakes, the globe of the earth stirs under the command by receiving wahy and ilham. And sometimes it trembles.

[From a ma’nawî and important aspect, the answers to six or seven particular questions related to the present earthquake came to my heart, again, with the help of ma’nawî warning. Although how many times, I intended to write them in detail, permission was not given. They will be written briefly and in short.]

First Question: What is the reason for the fear and despair that arise from further earthquakes and is a ma’nawî calamity more excruciating than the material calamity of this severe earthquake, taking away most people's rest at night in most of the country and giving them terrible torment?

Again, the ma’nawî answer: it has been said that, at the time of tarawih of the noble Ramadhan, with utmost joy and cheer, the drunken songs serving the desires being made to be heard attractively by the mouth of the radio, sometimes through the voices of girls, in every corner of this blessed centre of Islam, resulted in the torment of this fear.

Second Question: Why don't these samâwî blows befall unbelievers in their countries? Why do they befall helpless Muslims?

The Answer: Just as the punishment of big wrongdoings and crimes is postponed and given in big centres and the punishment of small crimes is given quickly in small centres, as a consequence of an important hikmah, the punishment of the greater part of the crimes of the people of kufr is postponed to the Supreme Court at the resurrection, while the punishment of the wrongdoings of the people of îmân is in part given in this world. {Note: Furthermore, since by abandoning an abrogated and corrupted religion, people like the Russians do not attract Allah’s wrath to the extent of betraying a haqq and eternal religion which cannot be abrogated, the earth leaves them at present and displays its anger towards those here.}

Third Question: What is the reason for this calamity, which arises from the wrongdoings of some individuals, taking the form of a general calamity in the country to a degree?

The Answer: From the point of general calamity being aroused from the wrongdoings of the majority, most people, in a ma’nawî manner, participate in the actions of those dhâlim individuals by supporting them through their actions, by having iltizâm for the actions of those dhâlim individuals, or by joining them; they cause the general calamity.

Fourth Question: Since this calamity of earthquake is the result of wrongdoings and a kaffârah adh-dhunûb, why are the innocent and faultless burning in that calamity? How does the justice of Allah permit it?

The Answer, again, from the ma’nawî aspect: Since this matter connected with the mystery of Qadar, referring it to the Risale on Qadar, here only this was said:

وَاتَّقُوا فِتْنَةً لاَ تُصِيبَنَّ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْكُمْ خَاصَّةً That is “Beware of a calamity which when it befalls, it is not restricted to the dhâlim but burns the innocent as well.”

The mystery of this âyah is as follows: This world is an arena of trial and examination and a realm of jihâd and accountability. Examination and accountability necessitate that haqiqahs remain veiled so that through competition and jihâd, the Abu Bakrs can rise to a’lâ ‘illiyyin and the Abu Jahls can enter asfal sâfilîn. If the innocent remained untouched in such calamities, the Abu Jahls would submit just like the Abu Bakrs and the door of ma’nawî progress through jihâd would be closed and the mystery of man's accountability spoiled.

Since the hikmah of Allah necessitates that the oppressed and dhâlim fell into calamity together, what is the share of the helpless oppressed from the rahmah and justice of Allah?

It was said in reply to this question: There is a manifestation of rahmah for them within the wrath and anger in such calamity. For just as the transient property of the innocent becomes sadaqa for them and becomes eternal property, so do their transient lives gain a form of shahâdah to an extent that will cause them to gain an eternal life.  This earthquake, which makes gained a huge, perpetual profit through relatively little and temporary difficulty and torment, is a rahmah within the pure wrath.

Fifth Question: Why does Al-Âdil and Ar-Rahîm, Al-Qadîr and Al-Hakîm not give particular punishment for particular wrongdoings but inflicts a huge element? How does this state conform with the beauty (Jamâl) of His rahmah and His encompassing qoudrah?

The Answer: Al-Qadîr Zuljalâl gives numerous duties to each element and in each duty He causes them to produce numerous results. If one result of one of an element's duties is ugly, sharr or a calamity, the other beautiful results make this result beautiful too. For the single ugly result not to occur, if the element, which is angry at man, is prevented from that duty, khayr to the number of those beautiful results are abandoned. And since not doing a necessary khayr is sharr, instances of sharr will be perpetrated to the number of those khayr. For a single sharr not to occur, it would be an extremely ugly fault which is contrary to hikmah and haqiqah. Qoudrah and hikmah and haqiqah are free of fault.

Since certain wrongdoings are a comprehensive rebellion that will make the earth and elements angry and they are an insulting transgression to the rights of numerous creatures, for sure, in order to demonstrate the extraordinary ugliness of such a crime, the command of "Give tarbiyyah to them"being given to a huge element among its universal duties is pure hikmah and justice, and for the oppressed, it is pure rahmah.

Sixth Question: The people of ghaflah publish that the earthquake is the result of the change of the minerals in the globe of the earth and look upon it as if an event that was coincidental, natural and without purpose. They do not see the ma’nawî causes and results of this event so that they can awake. Does the material on which they rely have a haqiqah?

The Answer: It has no haqiqah other than dhalâlah. Because the purpose, irâdah, will and hikmah being manifested on the wing of a single fly, which is only one organ out of hundreds of the organs of one individual fly out of the countless individuals of all fly species, a single species out of thousands of species on the face of the earth, which each year is clothed in and changes more than fifty million embroidered well-ordered shirts, and that fly’s wing is not being neglected and left free from the halter show that nothing belonging to the huge globe of the earth — whether particular or universal — which is the cradle, mother, place of recourse and protector of innumerable conscious beings, can be outside the irâdah, will and purpose of Allah let alone its significant acts and states. But, Absolute Qadîr, through the requirement of His hikmah, makes apparent causes a veil to His disposals. When He wills an earthquake, He sometimes commands the movement of a mineral and ignites it. Even if it is a change of minerals, it can only be through the command of Allah and with His hikmah; it cannot occur in any other way.

For example, a man shot someone with a rifle. If the man who shot is entirely disregarded and only the gunpowder in the bullet igniting is taken into consideration, the rights of the helpless victim would be completely violated; it is such foolishness and madness. In just the same way, to forget Ar-Rabb’s command of “Ignite!” a bomb that is stored up with hikmah and irâdah and is within the earth, which is a submissive official of Al-Qadîr Zuljalâl, rather, a ship or an aeroplane of His, in order to awake the people of ghaflah and the rebellious, and to diverge into nature is the foulest stupidity.

An Addition and Note to the Sixth Question: In order to protect their way and confront and prevent the awakening of the people of îmân, the people of dhalâlah and ilhad display an obduracy so strange and stupidity so peculiar that it makes a person regret his humanity.

For example, since the universe and universal elements are angry at the cruel, dark rebellion of men, which recently has taken on a general form to a degree, Al-Khâliq of the earth and samâwât, too, not through a particular rubûbiyyah but rather the title of Ar-Rabb and Al-Hâkim of all universe and all ‘âlams, and through a universal and widespread manifestation on the entire universe and the universal sphere of rubûbiyyah, evidently demonstrates His hikmah, qoudrah, justice, qayyûmiyyah, irâdah and hâkimiyyah by hitting terrifying, general disasters like earthquake, storm and world war out of matchless and constant water, air and electricity to the face of mankind, in order to awake mankind and make them give up their horrendous rebellion and make them recognize the universe’s Sultân, Whom they do not want to recognize. Despite this, certain foolish shaytans in human form respond to these universal indications of Ar-Rabb and tarbiyyah of Allah with a foolish obstinacy and say: "It's nature. It's the explosion of a mineral; it is coincidental. It's the sun's heat clashing with electricity, which brought all machinery to a standstill for five hours in America and caused the atmosphere in Kastamonu Province to turn red and take on the appearance of a conflagration." They talk nonsense like this. Due to a boundless ignorance arising from dhalâlah and an ugly obduracy arising from zandaqa, they do not know that causes are only a pretext and a veil. They show a small seed instead of a hundred factories and workshops as big as a village in order to weave and produce the members of a pine tree as large as a mountain, and say: "Here, this tree emerged from the seed." They show a number of apparent causes as a denial of the thousand miracles which As-Sâni’ of the pine tree displays in that pine tree. They reduce to nothing the immense act of rubûbiyyah performed with the will and hikmah of Al-Khâliq. Sometimes they attach a scientific name to a most profound, unknowable and important truth which possesses hikmah in a thousand respects, as though, through that name, its reality has been understood and become a simple and common thing without hikmah or meaning.

So, come and look at the innumerable degrees of stupidity and foolishness! They attach a name to a profound, broad and unknown truth which can only be completely understood if it and its hikmahs were described in a hundred pages; as though it was something well-known they say: "It is this." For example, "It is a substance in the sun clashing with electricity." They also attribute a particular and purposeful event of rubûbiyyah to one of the fitrah laws each of which is the title of a universal irâdah and an encompassing will and a sovereignty over the species and which are named 'Âdâtullah. And by attributing that event to those laws, they sever its connection with the will and choice of the irâdah of Allah, then refer it to coincidence and nature. They display an ignorance more profound than Abu Jahl. They become a rebellious mad man like attributing the victorious battle of a soldier or a battalion to a military system and law and severing its connection with its commander, king, government and purposeful action. Also, like the creation of a fruit-bearing tree from a seed, if a craftsman possessing miracles makes a hundred kilos of various foods and a hundred yards of various textiles from a piece of wood the size of a fingernail, and if someone shows that piece of wood and says: “These things naturally and coincidentally have come into being out of it.” and reduces the craftsman's wondrous arts and skills to nothing, what utter foolishness it would be. In exactly the same way...

Seventh Question: What should be understood from this event of the earth’s looking at the Muslim people of this country and targeting them? And why does it harm the areas of Erzincan and Izmir more than other places?

The Answer: Through the indication of many proofs, like the earthquake occurring during a severe winter, in the dark of night, in terribly cold weather, being restricted to a region where Ramadhan was not respected, and continuing in order to awaken the ghâfil gently since they did not awaken by its destruction, this event targets the people of îmân, looks and shakes them in order to wake them to perform salâh and offer supplication, and itself trembles as well. There are two reasons for its shaking places like unfortunate Erzincan more than other places:

One: Since their faults are few, it has been expedited in order to purify them.

The Second: Since the strong and loyal defenders of the îmân and protectors of Islam were few or completely defeated in places like them, by using this opportunity, the people of zandaqa establish an effective centre of activity; it is possible that it slapped them first for this reason.2 لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ

سُبْحَانَكَ لاَ عِلْمَ لَنَا اِلاَّ مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا اِنَّكَ اَنْتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ

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1 (When the earth is shaken ˹in˺ its ultimate quaking, and when the earth throws out ˹all˺ its contents, the man says: "What is happening to it?" On that Day it will report whatever had happened on it, for your Rabb have commanded it to do so.)

2 (None has the knowledge of the ghayb except Allah.)

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